Neonatal Care Unit Equipment - Shreeyash SW 21
SW 21 Ventilator is a dedicated Neonatal & Pediatric Ventilator with different modes of neonatal ventilator to assist the patient as per the need. Auto mode facility & non-invasive High Flow Oxygen therapy put this device in the class of most updated ventilators. 'Shreeyash SW 21" is a pressure & volume controlled, time cycled, continuous flow respirator that is intended for Neonatal & Pediatric use.
Special Functions:
- 15 inches large touch screen with Rotary Knob for setting the parameters.
- SIMV plus pressure supprt.
- Auto mode in ACMV mode.
- Auto Mode in CPAP + PS Mode.
- Inbuilt High Frequency Ventilation mode using a flow chopping mechanism.
- Non-invasive High Flow Nasal CPAP (HFNC Mode)
- CPAP plus pressure support. This specialty mode puts the ventilator in the category of the most updated ventilators & is a boon for patients with "FLAIL" Chest.
- On Line Inspiratory & Expiratory Hold.
- Provision to connect Nebulizer kit & ETCO2 sensor.
- Suction
Following Invasive & Non Invasive modes provided.
- ACMV Pressure
- ACMV Volume
- SIMV + PS in PC mode
- SIMV + PS in VC mode
- High Flow & HFFC (High Frequency Flow Chopping Mechanism)
Shreeyash SW 21 is provided with HFFC
(High Frequency Flow Chopping Mechanism) mode for treating LBW babies.
The clinician can set the Frequency from 5 to 15 Hertzs, I:E ratio can be set from 1:1 & 1:2, and the power (Amplitude) can be set from 0 to 100%. MAP can be set up to 30 CM H2O, Bias flow is servo controlled display of delivered Tidal Volume & DCO2 helps the clinician to non Invasively monitor the pulmonary mechanics.
A Fifteen inches touch screen is provided that indicates, Flow v/s Time, Volume v/s Time and pressure v/s Time graphs. It also indicates Pressure Volume, Flow Volume & Pressure Flow loops. It also displays various parameters like set & delivered PIP, PEEP, Set & Delivered Tidal Volume, FIO2, ongoing mode of ventilation, I:E ratio, Inspiration time, etc.
A ventilator is provided with a Battery Backup which can operate the ventilator for 2 Hours when the battery is in fully charged condition.